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Posts tagged ‘shave’

Sorting Out My Face 

So I took this whole week off work (much needed I assure you) because I felt like it. I was able to restart my blog, catch up on sleep, chill with the parents, watch movies, read fanfiction, sleep super late and stuff my face whenever I pleased. Unfortunately I have to go back to work tomorrow. 

Don’t get me wrong. I like my job but that doesn’t mean I’m not gonna moan about going back…

It doesn’t help that I totally let myself go his week (and the few weeks before) and I kinda feel like I should look decent upon my return. Unfortunately getting myself into a decent state and actually sorting out my face is a longer process than you’d think. So long in fact that I need to mentally prepare myself beforehand.

I had to:

  1. Scrub every inch of my copper smelling body and dust filled hair (due to renovation work next door). I felt 10 kilos lighter  after my bath/exorcism. 
  2. Sort out my underarms. I look forward to be able to lift them freely. 
  3. Wax off my moustache and sideburns. 
  4. Shave my legs even though no one will see them. 
  5. Use a facial scrub to remove the layer of grime on my face. 

This takes hours and hours. How do some women look flawless 24 7?Where do they find the time? Where do they find the energy? Just how?!